Easter Monday Official Statement

Tuesday 26 Jan 2021

Associated Clubs of Apprentice Boys of Derry, General Committee.

22nd January 2021

Dear Sir & Brother, 

During the last number of weeks, the Officers of General Committee have communicated regularly with the Officers of Belfast & District Amalgamated Committee to plan and arrange events for the annual Easter Monday parade.  The occasion this year would have incorporated an extra special dimension.  This would have been our first major flagship event to celebrate the centenary of Northern Ireland.

However, as we prepared for our opening celebration of the year, we were mindful of the unprecedented covid-19 restrictions and the daily advice from the Public Health Agency.  With the current impact of Covid-19 and with no apparent easing of the spread of the virus, the organising committee had no alternative but to reconsider our plans and cancel the Easter Monday parade.

I’m sure for most members the announcement is no surprise.  The decision has been taken with the intention of keeping people safe.  It is important to consider the wellbeing of our members, supporting bands, residents, spectators, and the wider general public.  We are aware of our moral duty to ensure that increased demand and additional strain, is not placed on the Health and Social Care Services.

General Committee and the Officers of Belfast A.C. are disappointed that it is necessary to cancel the parade, however, we believe it is the right thing to do.  We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this statement creates, especially to the members who have worked tirelessly to prepare for the occasion.

Meanwhile, we hope and trust our members will continue to assist our vulnerable Brethren and act with compassion towards each other. To those who have lost loved ones and anyone who is currently affected by Covid 19, you are in our thoughts and prayers not only now but in the coming weeks and months.

We eagerly look forward to the occasion when we can safely meet and parade, hopefully in the not too distant future.

Yours sincerely & fraternally,

Graeme Stenhouse, Governor. William Moore, General Secretary.

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