Australia has its first ever Apprentice Boys Branch Club. The Murray Club has installed a new Charter and opened a new Branch Club on 15th June 2019 in Australia, installed new officers and enrolled new members.
Graeme Stenhouse, Governor of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, says:
“Together with David Hoey, Secretary of the Murray Parent Club, it was a great honour and privilege to travel further than any Governor has ever travelled before to install a new Club Charter. The Association greatly appreciates the huge amount of preparation and planning, over many years, to have been able to achieve this landmark for the Association; the opening of the new Australia Murray Club. We are proud that the story of the Brave 13 Apprentice Boys and the Siege of Londonderry now has a place in the Southern Hemisphere. As Governor of the Apprentice Boys’ Association I would like to extend heartiest congratulations to all involved, and in the years ahead I look forward to welcoming new Australian members to the Maiden City.”
Official Statement
Associated Clubs Apprentice Boys of Derry General Committee. The Governor, Officers and Members of the above Association are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and join with the nation in mourning her sad loss. On behalf of your...