The Apprentice Boys of Derry Association is a Christian, historical and cultural organisation, committed to maintaining the spirit of courage and liberty displayed by the Defenders of Londonderry in 1688-1689

The Apprentice Boys of Derry Association is a Christian, historical and cultural organisation whose spirit is sustained and promoted by organising parades, exhibitions, lectures, music, art and drama.

There are eight Parent Clubs based in Londonderry, symbolising the regiments formed during the siege to defend the city; Branch Clubs are located across the UK, the Republic of Ireland & Canada.

The Apprentice Boys’ main celebrations are focused in the city of Londonderry and primarily within the historic city walls. There are two main celebrations held in the city, in August and December.

The Siege Museum is an extensive display of the history of the Siege of Londonderry and of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, including artefacts, video and interactive media.
“A people who take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, will never achieve anything worthy, to be remembered with pride, by remote descendants…“
Official Statement
Associated Clubs Apprentice Boys of Derry General Committee. The Governor, Officers and Members of the above Association are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and join with the nation in mourning her sad loss. On behalf of your...
No Surrender Club Initiation Day Postponed
The Officers and Brethren of The No Surrender Parent Club have decided to postpone this Saturday's parade and cultural afternoon after the sad news of the untimely and tragic passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II. We will look at alternate dates in due course.The Queen was...
ABOD Statement
Associated Clubs of Apprentice Boys of DerryGeneral Committee Northern Ireland has remained an integral part of the United Kingdom for 100 years, though our heritage was forged long before at Derry, Aughrim, Enniskillen and the Boyne. Our British heritage and our...