
Find out more about The Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry and the Clubs who came together to form the organisation as it is today


It is with great disappointment that the Officers of General Committee have taken the decision to cancel the annual procession to commemorate the Relief of Londonderry, scheduled to take place on Saturday 8th August 2020

Shutting of the Gates

Often referred to as “Lundy’s Day”, each year on the first Saturday in December, the Apprentice Boys of Derry celebrate the stand taken by the thirteen apprentices who shut the gates: the “Brave Thirteen”

Relief of Londonderry

Each year on the 2nd Saturday in August the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry assemble in Londonderry to celebrate the events of August 1689 and the Relief of the city

The Apprentice Boys of Derry Association is a Christian, historical and cultural organisation, committed to maintaining the spirit of courage and liberty displayed by the Defenders of Londonderry in 1688-1689

The Apprentice Boys of Derry Association is a Christian, historical and cultural organisation whose spirit is sustained and promoted by organising parades, exhibitions, lectures, music, art and drama.

There are eight Parent Clubs based in Londonderry, symbolising the regiments formed during the siege to defend the city; Branch Clubs are located across the UK, the Republic of Ireland & Canada.

The Apprentice Boys’ main celebrations are focused in the city of Londonderry and primarily within the historic city walls. There are two main celebrations held in the city, in August and December.

The Siege Museum is an extensive display of the history of the Siege of Londonderry and of the Associated Clubs of the Apprentice Boys of Derry, including artefacts, video and interactive media.

A people who take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, will never achieve anything worthy, to be remembered with pride, by remote descendants…

N.I Protocol Statement

Associated Clubs Apprentice Boys Of Derry Apprentice Boys’ say NI Protocol is not an ‘unfettered’ UnitedKingdom. The Apprentice Boys Association took no position on the 2016 Referendum on whether the UK should or should not leave the EU. TheAssociation accepted the...

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Easter Monday Official Statement

Associated Clubs of Apprentice Boys of Derry, General Committee. 22nd January 2021 Dear Sir & Brother,  During the last number of weeks, the Officers of General Committee have communicated regularly with the Officers of Belfast & District Amalgamated...

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New Year Message

Associated Clubs of Apprentice Boys of Derry. General Committee. As we prepare to welcome the beginning of a new year, it is doubtful if anyone could have predicted what was coming our way when we commenced 2020. The covid-19 virus has been an epidemic never witnessed...

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